Technology allows for remote work opportunities that didn’t exist 10-plus years ago. More and more workers are looking for opportunities that afford them increased flexibility in where they put in their hours — and companies are giving it to them — but at what cost? There are a number of cyber security issues that arise with the remote worker that must be addressed. You might have done everything you can to secure your network at the workplace, but when remote workers are logging in via … [Read more...]
Cyber Security: Why Small Businesses Are Targets
You may think that, because you operate a small business, cybercriminals won’t target you for a breach. But, almost 43% of cyber attacks are directed at small businesses, according to Symantec. That means you have to take cyber security solutions seriously. Cyber attacks hurt everyone who gets hit, but small businesses without much cushion to fall back on might be crippled or face a terminal situation. Considering how evolved the attacks have become and how frequently they occur, taking a … [Read more...]